Monday, December 3, 2012

New Mexico Fruit Group Forms

The New Mexico Fruit Explorers formed recently, holding its second meeting on December 1st. Cedar Crest resident Dwight Luna contacted interested folks using the NAFEX member list. NAFEX, North American Fruit Explorers is an international organization of amateurs, professional growers and educators formed about 50 years ago to further research and education about a wide variety of fruits. There are several spin off groups that reflect regional interests, one in the south, the midwest, California...and now one in New Mexico.

Dwight contacted possible members saying ".. we are forming a group of people who share an interest in tree fruit, grapes, and berries to meet and share information, trade plants and scionwood, and to socialize." There are upwards of 30 members, and more joining. Dwight welcomes anyone with an interest in fruit, no matter their experience.

The first meetings were spent getting acquainted, and discovering where everyone's interest lie. Future meetings may feature workshops on grafting or other growing techniques, tours of members holdings, or field trips.